David’s Last Blog
Today is December 30 . . . which means tomorrow is my last official day as an employee of Operation Inasmuch. Writing blogs every other week has been a routine part of my work for a couple of years, and I have enjoyed it. First, I enjoy writing. Second, these blogs have “forced” me to investigate aspects of serving others I might have otherwise ignored.
My favs? That’s hard to say. (I trust) each one has something of value to offer, but looking over the complete list, these five rose to the top, partly because they are more creative and partly because what they say is something I believe strongly needs to be said.
4 Reasons Serving is Essential for a True Believers
Many Thank Yous
As I reflect on my 17 years of leading and working in the Inasmuch ministry, I am overwhelmed with the fact that God has used so many people to make the ministry successful. My family heads that list—my former wife, Clara, and children, Andy and Emily, who urged me to launch the ministry when the opportunity came. My current wife, Brenda, has been a constant source of encouragement since we married almost 11 years ago.
I dare not attempt to name all the people who have been significant “players” in the Inasmuch story. They are faithful and generous donors, visionary, hardworking church leaders who have implemented Inasmuch in their churches and often recruited other churches to join them, network leaders who utilized the Inasmuch model to mobilize many of their congregations to serve people in need in their communities, and staff and board members who have steadfastly supported, encouraged and counseled me to help the ministry be all God intended it to be.
It has not always been easy, but it has ALWAYS been rewarding. Few people get the opportunity to launch a new ministry and see it make a significant impact in as many places and with as many people as the Inasmuch ministry has. WHAT A BLESSING!!
These reflections prove the truthfulness of a familiar Bible verse: “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine . . . .” (Eph. 3:20). If there is anything commendable about Operation Inasmuch, to God be the glory. If there is anything that has made a difference in the way believers understand what it means to follow Jesus, to God be the glory. If any person in need has experienced an improvement in his/her life as a result of another person serving him/her as an Inasmuch volunteer, to God be the glory.
All my life, I’ve heard people say one does not retire from a calling. It could just as well be said that one cannot retire from a calling. In Compassionaries: Unleash the Power of Serving, I cite Robert Bella’s seminal statement about calling:
First, there’s the job—where the goal is simply to earn a living and support your family. Then there’s the career—where you trace your progress through various appointments and achievements. Finally, there’s the calling—the ideal blend of activity and character that makes work inseparable from life.
This is how I feel about the last 17 years and most of the 12 years before that. It took me about 20 years to discover my calling, not in ministry in general but specifically in compassion ministry. What it has meant to me is that I could no more refuse or neglect or walk away from compassion ministry than I could walk away from my family. It’s that strong and compelling. And such a thing does not end just because a certain pre-determined date appears on the calendar.
So, in a sense, I am not retiring. Leading, encouraging, teaching, training, and enabling believers to serve people in need in Jesus’ name is my calling . . . , and I will carry on in that calling until I draw my last breath. Perhaps, if it pleases the Father, even then some of what I’ve written or done through Operation Inasmuch will go beyond my life.
All this to say, I am filled with unspeakable joy as this phase of ministry closes for me. If any of these blogs have been helpful to you or anything in the Inasmuch ministry has helped you be more effective as a follower of Jesus, I would appreciate it if you would take a minute to let me know in the comments section below. Thank you ever so much for reading.
THANK YOU in general for the InAsMuch ministry you launched, and in specific for all you did while serving as Interim Pastor at First Baptist Knoxville during 2019-20 (COVID, anyone?). While you are not “retiring,” I hope you & Brenda enjoy this transition to having more freedom in your daily schedules. Best to you, friend!
You have been a blessing to many…and to me personally as I have watched you and observed your character and integrity. The love and compassion you show for others is inspiring and heart warming.
Your ministry and leadership is an inspiration to all. Thank you being an important cog in my life.
Walte Greene
Your ministry and leadership is an inspiration to all. Thank you being an important cog in my life.
Our Lord Jesus has become real to me through your ministry and Operation Inasmuch.
Thank you for your service.
David, my brother in Christ,
Your ministry and Operation Inasmuch have radically changed my walk with Jesus. Thank you for your counsel, friendship, and loving compassion since we met in 1994.
Thanks for allowing us to serve others through OIAM. Honored to be a part of reaching people for the Lord. Retired simply means “retreaded” and waiting to see what the Lord is doing. Blessings on you – your compassion shows.
Dear Friend
So much of my ministry would either be less effective at best and non-existent at worst had we never met. I praise God for having encountered you. Since there is no retirement from service to the call, I pray that the Lord will cross our ministerial paths again soon.