Mr. Inasmuch Transforms His Community
How much can one person do to impact his community? Ask Joel Singletary of Sumter, South Carolina. In April, he and his wife, Libby, were honored by Sumter’s Mayor Joe McElveen for their volunteer work in Sumter — Libby for her countless hours spent at United Ministries serving wherever she can be helpful and Joel for his leadership in leading his church, Alice Drive Baptist Church, and 18 other congregations in Inasmuch United Sumter.

It began in 2009, when Joel’s pastor, Dr. Clay Smith of Alice Drive Baptist Church, showed Joel an article about Operation Inasmuch. He took several folk from his church to a Lutheran-sponsored Inasmuch training in the winter of 2009. Shortly thereafter, he led his church to conduct their first Inasmuch Day. The story is told in the video “Roosevelt’s Story.”
God soon impressed Singletary with the vision of seeing many churches in Sumter working together to serve people in need. He shared his vision with David Crocker, Executive Director of Operation Inasmuch, and scheduled David to conduct training sessions for 21 congregations in the Sumter area. “Joel went door to door from one church to another talking with anyone in those churches who would listen to him share about Inasmuch and how their church could be involved,” says Crocker. “He worked tirelessly, often without much success and totally without recognition,” adds Crocker, “but Inasmuch is where it is today in Sumter because of Joel Singletary’s efforts. This is why it’s so good that he is finally being recognized for all the work he has done. I am personally pleased that Joel Singletary is known as Mr. Inasmuch of Sumter.”
May 3, 2014, Sumter held its third Inasmuch United Sumter with 9 churches involved and almost 1,300 volunteers participating from six denominations.
Joel Singletary did not set out to be recognized, but to be obedient to Jesus’ call on his life. “I can only say I was just doing what God was challenging me to do,” he says. “I marvel at what amazing things happened when I submitted myself to His will.” He adds: “God sent me to answer Roosevelt Williams’ prayers and I believe others out there need to find their Roosevelt.”