Food Packing

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…”
Matthew 25:35 NIV
Did you know there are neighbors in your community going hungry? More people than ever are experiencing hunger, many for the first time. We can help you with a practical and compassionate way to be the hands and feet of Jesus as commanded in Matthew 25. Food packing events offer a fun, easy way to provide nutritious food for truly hungry people.
How does a food packing event work?
An organization – church, non-profit, business – agrees to sponsor an event and use Operation Inasmuch to stage it.
The Sponsor is responsible for:
- Choosing a date and location.
- Selecting the food pantry or organization to receive the meals.
- Recruiting volunteers.
- Raising money for ingredients and supplies.
Operation Inasmuch is responsible for:
- Ensuring that the proposed facility is adequate for the event.
- Ordering all ingredients and supplies.
- Setting up and tearing down.
- Training and supervising volunteers.
- Ensuring that the finished products get to the agreed upon destination.
What kinds of food are packed?
Foods packed are highly nutritious and non-perishable. They have a shelf life of 2 years. Each type of meal has been developed to provide good nutrition and taste for consumers. There are 4 choices of meals available: fortified beans & rice, mac & cheese, pasta & tomato sauce, and oatmeal & dried apples.
Where does the food go?
You decide! All of the food packed at an event can be kept either for local food banks, local food pantries, schools, and others. Occasionally, we partner with other organizations to ship the meals to third world counties. Once the food is packed, you can choose who receives the blessing.
“It’s a great way for families to serve together and give back to their communities.”
Vicki Williams, volunteer

“This work is about more than providing food. It’s about connecting people to serve their communities.”
Cindy Bush, volunteer